Why do we celebrate World Heart Day?
The World Heart Foundation organized World Heart Day, and an international campaign was held on September 29th to educate people about cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death. This day advocates preventive measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.Who invented the world Heart Day?
The idea for this annual event came from the 1997-99 WHF Chairman (Antoni Bayes de Luna). World Heart Day has initially been celebrated (until 2011) on the last Sunday of September. The first celebration was on September 24th, 2000, but the date was later moved to the 29th.
Background of World Heart Federation
In 1998, in the World Congress of Cardiology in Rio de Janeiro, the International Community and Federation of Cardiology became the World Heart Federation (WHF). It was not a change of name but the awareness of a global vision for cardiovascular health with new goals reflected in our mission statement launched in 2001.The Heart Federation helps people extend and improve their lives by preventing and controlling heart disease and stroke, focusing on middle-income countries.
About World Heart Day
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and according to the World Health Organization, this circumstance is likely to be the case still. In 2005, approximately 17.5 million people died of cardiovascular disease, accounting for 30% of global deaths.
The following are some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke:
• High level of cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose levels.
• Smoking.
• Inadequate consumption of vegetables and fruits.
• Obesity.
World Heart Day was created to educate people worldwide that heart disease and strokes are the leading cause of death worldwide. The World Heart Federation, along with organizations such as WHO, is spreading the message that at least 80 % of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke can be avoided by controlling major risk factors - tobacco, an unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise. World Heart Day began in 1999 and is held every year on the last Sunday in September.
What happens on World Heart Day?
Governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) celebrate and promote World Heart Day through jogging, public performances, concerts, and sporting events.
The World Heart Federation organizes information events in over 100 countries.
They include:
• Health checks.
• Sports activities including walking, jogging, and fitness.
• Public appearances and scientific forums.
• Theater performances and concerts.
• Exhibitions.
These activities are performed in cooperation with organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the head and coordinator of the United Nations on health.
What is cardiovascular disease?
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing 18.6 million deaths per year. A disorder that affects the heart and blood vessels is known as cardiovascular disease (CVD). It may be caused by socioeconomic, behavioral, and environmental risk factors, including high blood pressure, poor diet, high cholesterol, diabetes, air pollution, obesity, smoking, kidney disease, sedentary lifestyle, harmful drinking, and stress. Family history, race, gender, and age also affect a person's risk of cardiovascular disease.How do people celebrate World Heart day?
There is no limit to how people celebrate World Heart Day. The main task is to ensure global heart health equality.
Some activities related to the World Heart Federation established by the World Heart Federation are:
• Commitment to cook healthy food for the whole family
• Remember to exercise regularly and stay active
• Policies to promote heart health
• Spread about reducing the risk of heart disease Method
• Remember that heart health starts in the workplace.
Many national and local events have highlighted this problem. From local walks to healthy eating seminars, many places are worth exploring if you want to participate in World Heart Day next year. We all can set a positive example not only for ourselves today but also for our future.
Event and ideas for World Heart Day
There are many ways to create your own World Heart Day celebration. Now that you know all the content of this day, you can start a campaign among your friends, family, or community groups. Try these ideas below to help spread awareness among loved ones.
Learn heart-healthy recipes
The best way to control heart problems is to eat healthily. Eating high-salt foods is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, these are usually staples of the standard American diet. A healthy diet does not signify not eating food that tastes good. All this has to do with moderate exercise and new ways to learn to prepare heart-healthy meals. Cook a delicious and healthy meal and share it with friends and family.
Read more about heart health
If you do not know about the risks of cardiovascular disease, there is a simple way to learn more. Many health books focus on how to keep your body and heart healthy for many years. If you are searching for an enjoyable and easy way to celebrate World Heart Day, buy these books.
Do something active
Being physically active can reduce the risk of heart-related health problems. Staying active does not mean investing in expensive gym memberships or running marathons. It is easy to hike in the afternoon with friends or take a 3-mile hike around your community.
Create workplace activities
Heart health does not always start at home. It also starts in the workplace. The familiar office environment is not always the best for the body. If you spend the day at your desk, it may be time to host a workplace event to commemorate World Heart Day. Whether you are hosting a group walk, a healthy food dinner, or a biometric screening clinic, all of these are essential to everyone's health. The participation of everyone involved shows the importance of investing in your future health.
Tribute to the doctors in your community
Doctors and other health professionals are on the front lines of heart disease, stroke, and other medical emergencies.
They assist us in keeping our bodies healthy
from the very beginning and help us when problems arise. Host or attend an event for doctors in the community, or write a general practitioner a thank you note for doctors.
Share your story
If you or some of your loved ones suffer from cardiovascular disease, please share your story. Share how these diseases affect the lives of you or your loved ones to help spread information about heart health.