In modern times, humans have excelled in all fields of life, particularly Medicine. Modern Medicine has brought a great revolution in our lives. However, it still harms our body, such as the reactions caused by it, or sometimes it weakens the natural immune system of our body and will ultimately make us prone to more diseases. Due to certain problems in modern Medicine, there has been a recent trend of switching over to traditional Medicine and medicinal herbs.
One such medical herb is "Ashwagandha." The scientific name of this plant is Withania Somnifera. It is an evergreen shrub of the nightshade family native to India, the Middle East, and to some extent in Africa. It has a long history and association with the Indian Traditional Medicine System, i.e. Ayurveda, which is often used as a dietary supplement, but whether it has extremely good effects is still questionable.
Why is Ashwagandha still reliable?
First of all, it is an ancient herb and has been used in Traditional Medicine for over 3000 years. It is a prominent herb in Indian indigenous and has gained popularity for its health benefits. Most of its advantages are linked with with anolides, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. Moreover, there are no immediate adverse effects after the intake of the supplements. People can take two capsules daily of 450-500mg, and there are no restrictions for age. However, pregnant women and patients with diabetes, thyroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis should consult their doctors before taking such steps. Therefore, today we are going to discuss the scientifically proven health benefits of the herb.
Anti-Stress and Blood Sugar Regulator
Given its history, it has long been used as an anti-stress in ancient times. Modern studies reveal that this herb has vital properties that help to reduce the cortisol levels in the blood. Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in the body and is the prime stress hormone that depresses the body's activity in a fight or flight situation. Studies in 2019 reveal that the cortisol levels in subjects using the herb were 69% less than those using other drugs like a placebo.
It has also been highlighted that adrenal function is attached closely to thyroid function, so the intake of the herb supports adrenal glands and thyroid glands. Likewise, it has also helped to reduce symptoms of depression due to its adaptogenic properties and helps relieve stress via moderating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Moreover, this herb also regulates blood sugar concentration and stabilizes glucose levels when they get too high or drop too low. Maintaining the constant glucose concentration helps prevent diseases associated with the variable sugar levels, such as dementia and diabetes.
Although the results of studies in 2019 are optimistic, there is still a long way to go for scientists to conclude this plant is a stress reliever.
Arthritis Treatment
Arthritis is a condition wherein the body's digestive function is reduced, and inflammation occurs in the joints and soft tissues.
Although analgesics and other remedies relieve the pain, the effect is only temporary. Furthermore, excessive analgesics result in liver and kidney damage, gastrointestinal bleeding, and increased risks of strokes and cardiac arrests.
Ashwagandha acts as an anti-inflammatory herb and intercepts pain signals to the central nervous system. Due to this, it also has a huge potential to be used in treating arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. A case study in 2015 demonstrates the effect of using the herb in 125 patients who tested positive for rheumatoid factor, and the treatment decreased the RA factor. After seven weeks of Ayurvedic treatment, the liver and kidney function also had normal results.
In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, it also contains iron, an essential component of the red blood cells in our blood. Sufficiency of iron helps to prevent diseases like anemia.
Cardio-Pulmonary Health and Muscle Mass
Improve Cardio-respiratory health
People also use the herb to treat and improve their cardio-respiratory health due to certain shrub qualities, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, besides relieving chest pain and preventing heart diseases. A 2015 investigation proved that the plant's root extract improves cardio-respiratory function and is of great benefit to athletic adults.
It has also been shown to increase the stamina and endurance of people drastically, and hence it has a positive impact on athletes by improving lung and heart capacity. Therefore it is also helpful for patients with fatigue.
Modern research has shown that the herb can increase body mass and reduce the fats in one's body, enhancing overall body strength.
Resistant to Neurodegenerative Problems and Improves Brain Function
The herb's active components, withanolides, act as shields against Alzheimer-causing plaques, and due to the natural antioxidants found in it, that can also prevent cell damage. A handful of investigations also strengthen the fact that the herb helps to slow down, reverse or even stop the effects of neurotic atrophy and synaptic loss. Therefore researchers are enthusiastic about its use in treating Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Another important characteristic of Ashwagandha is to improve brain function and memory by releasing natural antioxidants that protect brain cells from damage. So the root extract of the plant also promotes mental intellect and capacity. Another relevant investigation proves that people who took supplements of the herb reported improved brain function, reaction time, and performance ability.
An Anti-Carcinogenic Compounds
'Withaferin' is a chemical compound found in the herb known for its anti-tumorigenic properties and helps to prompt the occurrence of apoptosis- a process of programmed cell death. It also prevents the multiplication and growth of carcinogenic cells by disturbing the cell's activities through the formation of ROS (reactive Oxygen Species). Secondly, it weakens the defense system of the cells against apoptosis
When tests were carried out in rodents, people found that with the plant's leaf and root extract, cancers of the breast, colon, lungs, and brain can be disallowed.
Increases Fertility in Men
Ashwagandha has also been given to infertile men with the hope of regaining fertility, and in most cases, it is an effective herbal remedy for infertility. It enhances the circulation of blood throughout the body and enhances the quality of sperm by releasing natural antioxidants in the body.
In many cases, the sperm count and sperm quality were enriched by the intake of the herb in infertile subjects. According to PubMed, the herb also accounted for an increase in testosterone serum levels.