

Limit the Screen Time of your Toddler. It can be Dangerous

The first two years of a baby's life are crucial for brain development. Babies and toddlers should explore the world around them and try many different tastes and textures. Playing with and interacting with others helps toddlers to learn more about the world around them.

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Experts recommend that toddlers and babies spend less time in front of screens. It is a good idea, but it can be challenging to keep toddlers and babies away from the many TVs, tablets, and computers they will see.

Many parents today use screens to distract their toddlers and keep them occupied in a media-driven world. It works. Screens capture toddlers' attention in ways that almost nothing else does. It allows parents to take a break. What is the effect of screens on toddlers' brains? How much screen time should they be allowed to view?

What do Scientists say?

Although brain scientists studying the effects of screens on babies' brains do not have all the answers, what they do know will allow parents to understand the importance of providing non-screen experiences.

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Only then can toddlers learn, improve social and cognitive skills, and be happier and healthier in the future. 

Electronic Devices:

Toddlers today have a wide range of electronic devices at their disposal. They cannot imagine a world without tablets and smartphones.

Today's technology has made it possible for parents to be the first to manage screen time for their toddlers. Although digital devices can provide hours of entertainment and educational content, too much screen time can prove to be dangerous.

According To the Study:

According to a large Canadian study, letting toddlers spend too much time on screens can delay their ability to develop language and social skills.

This research, which surveyed nearly 2,500 2-year-olds, provides the latest evidence to support the debate over how much screen time is safe.

Experts in Canada and the USA say that toddlers shouldn't use screens until they turn 18 months.

A study published on 07 May 2016 indicates that setting limits on young children's screen time is conducive to healthy development but can be difficult for parents. To understand the families' boundaries and how their members experience living within them, we examine children's (age 1 - 5) transitions to and from screen-based activities. Interviews with 27 parents and a diary study with 28 families examine these transitions. Most of these families use screens to facilitate their parents' independent actions. In a self-audit, parents express hesitation, as they believe they benefit from training that can be detrimental to their child's well-being.

The most recent research

Between 2011 and 2016, mums were asked about screen usage and completed questionnaires regarding their toddlers' development at two, three, and five.

Screen time includes watching TV, films, videos, gaming, and using a tablet, phone, or other screen-based devices.

The average screen time for children aged 2 was around 17 hours per week.

At age three, this increased to approximately 25 hours per week. However, it dropped to about 11 hours per week when the children began primary school at age five.

These are the findings published in the JAMA Pediatrics'? It is more likely that children with low developmental performance will have more screen time before seeing any delays in their development.

It is unclear if screen time is directly to blame, including the amount and type of screen time. Screen use may be a factor in delayed development—some of the topics you could explore are childhood development, parenting, and free time.

Researcher's thoughts:

A new study has shown that toddlers who spend more time on screens than three hours per day, whether playing on a tablet or watching TV, are more likely to be more sedentary when they reach kindergarten age.

Research from the National University of Singapore suggests that children younger than two years old should not expose to screens. That could lead to healthier behavior later in life.

The findings published Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal Lancet Child & Adolescent Health are based on monitoring the screen time of 500 toddlers and preschool-aged children in Singapore.

Dangerous Results:

Read less

The primary source of entertainment is the screen. Other forms such as reading, drawing, and writing becomes dull in comparison.

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Television is a fantastic spectacle of sounds and lights. Books are still. Why read a book when a child doesn't have to think and summon the energy to create mental images of the story? Now, reading is a taxing and challenging task. There's nothing better than watching television. It is easier to be passive rather than active.


Toddlers can become dependent on electronic devices like an iPad, smartphone, or TV. They can become dependent on electronic devices and turn them into their only entertainment source. Some children have meltdowns without it, and the only way to alleviate them is to give them an iPhone. Tragically, this happens even with children as young as two years.

What does too much screen time do to children's brains?

Dr. Jennifer Cross, a child behavioral expert, explains why screen-time should be limited and which screens are more beneficial than others. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2018 landmark study found that screen-time activity was a significant factor in children's language and thinking tests performance. Some children who spent more time on their screens than two hours a day also scored lower on language and reasoning tests. Additionally, some children who logged more than seven hours a week of screen time had their cortex thinned, which is the brain responsible for critical thinking and reasoning.

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While we don't know the exact meaning, Dr. Jennifer F Cross says that screens may inhibit certain aspects of a child's developmental process by narrowing their interest and limiting other means of exploration or learning. She is a pediatrician at New York-Presbyterian Komansky Children's Hospital and a behavioral and developmental pediatrics expert. It can be challenging to get toddlers to engage in other activities if they spend most of their time on smartphones, tablets, or television. It would be like focusing only on your arm muscles and not other things when interacting with screens. Although you would be able to build strong arm muscles, it would not improve your overall fitness.

What does screen time have to do with a child's ability to learn?

 Research has shown that children younger than two years old learn less from watching videos than from adults. It appears that while children may watch TV screens for six months, comprehension of the content occurs only after 2. They won't be distracted by the content, but they aren't learning anything from it.

Language development accelerates between 1 1/2 and 3 years old. Studies have shown that children learn the most when interacting with adults who talk and play with them. Evidence suggests that children who spend a lot of time watching television in the early elementary years may have difficulty reading and attention deficits.

When is it appropriate to introduce screens?

 The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children under 18 months not use screens, except for video chats with their family. AAP recommends that preschool children ages 2-5 are limited to one hour of high-quality programming per day. Sesame Streeter PBS).

It can help to keep a child occupied and entertained while you do chores around the house. I recommend that parents turn on a TV program like Sesame Street or Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

 It is something educational and entertaining that shows characters playing together to demonstrate good social skills. It's also a good idea to share the educational programming with your child so that you can engage them in the discussion about what they are seeing and learning.

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